Diversity and inclusion

Our approach to diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

360Giving is committed to embedding diversity, equity and inclusion in every aspect of the organisation’s work. 

360Giving’s strategy includes ambitious targets to increase the scale and impact of our work. In order to deliver this impact, we need to attract and keep the best talent in our organisation and ensure that our offer and delivery are meeting the needs of stakeholders. Diversity, inclusion and wellbeing are key to delivering this and they’re core to effectiveness and decision-making to remain responsive to needs.

We aim to mainstream understanding of inclusion and skills around this within our staff team in order to improve stakeholder experience, and our capacity to meet the needs of our diverse sector. We recognise that our work in this area will always be a work in progress and as our understanding develops and we refine our approach, we will continue to ask ourselves hard questions. We will go further as we strive to represent good practice, within our capacity as a small organisation.


Overall, our DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) aims are:

  1. To ensure an inclusive culture that values diversity in how we treat each other, those we work with and users of our services
  2. To ensure that our programmes, tools and resources are accessible, inclusive and meeting the needs of a diverse range of stakeholders
  3. To increase awareness of equity considerations in the use of grants data and support the practices of others
  4. To ensure that DEI and wellbeing considerations are actively part of all our internal practices and decision-making to maximise our impact

We have an annual action plan in place and mechanisms to monitor our development, and we have made our most recent diversity monitoring results publicly available.

We have also prioritised equity in development of the 360Giving Data Standard through our work on the DEI Data Standard, and in our support for responsible data collection and use.


In such a small staff team, it is impossible to be representative or diverse across every characteristic.

We have considered where we can have the most impact in relation to our work and will focus on neurodiversity for the period of our 2022-25 strategy. Further information is available in our Neurodiversity and Inclusion Policy. Neurodiverse individuals, particularly people who identify as autistic, are more commonly found in data roles, and so are likely to be within our programme participants and publisher contacts. It is an area where adjustments could have more impact.

This focus will include learning activities for the team, achieving the Neurodiversity Inclusivity Confidence Award, and implementing considerations into our services. We will also share our learning from this with funders to support inclusion of neurodiverse individuals within their organisations in the data roles that we work with.

You can find out more about our focus on neurodiversity and the Neurodiversity Inclusivity Confidence Award in our blog.


Neurodiversity Inclusivity Confident Award