Diversity monitoring

We have an internal development programme to support our continuous improvement

Diversity monitoring

We have an internal development programme to support our continuous improvement. This includes an anonymous diversity and inclusion survey each year as a snapshot of our position.

360Giving doesn’t have an HR database and as a result, special category information is not stored in a personally identifiable way in the records. Monitoring takes place in aggregate in our recruitment processes and through annual surveys such as the one whose results are reported below, completed in January 2024.

Figures here include staff and Trustees together, as our number of staff is too small and publishing this information alone would risk making individual members of the team identifiable. We also monitor the diversity of our Stewardship Committee, however the results are not included here to support like for like comparison between the years for the Board and staff team.


We are too small an organisation to set specific targets for diversity without it becoming a tokenistic exercise, but feel it is important to monitor diversity and be aware of potential biases in our inclusion and decision-making.We have a reasonable level of diversity overall – although recognise there is room for improvement. Both the Board and staff team are significantly over-represented with higher levels of education and class factors than the overall population.

Identities/characteristics Jan-24 Mar-23 2021-22
Under 45 38% 46% 82%
Female and non-binary 85% 77% 64%
LGBTQ+ 31% 23% 18%
Disabled 31% 31% 27%
Communities experiencing racial inequity 38% 46% 36%
Attended UK State School – Comprehensive 38% 38% 45%
Highest level of education below degree level 8% 0% 0%
First generation to go to university 50% 38% 27%

It should be noted that this is just a snapshot and profiles changed during the year with staff recruitment and Trustees ending their terms of office. During the year we increased the diversity of the staff team across all areas, but decreased the diversity of the Board in some areas.

We will continue to review and improve on our practice to embed DEI across all our areas of work. We recognise that there is room to recruit from a broader pool of talent particularly those without formal higher education qualifications. To this end, since early 2021, we have used the Applied platform for all staff recruitment to try to reduce bias through anonymous application processes and structured assessment processes. Strong writing skills are essential criteria for all the staff roles and we have found this effective to take a competency-based approach while testing written communication skills at the same time. This has increased our staff diversity overall, but we continue to have a disproportionately high number of graduates – and in fact 62% of overall Board and staff have at least one Masters’ degree or a Doctorate.

We will continue to explore recruitment options to improve our practices as vacancies arise, as is viable within our budget and capacity.


Trustees and staff members were asked to rate their agreement with the following statements where 1 is Strongly disagree and 5 is Strongly agree.

  • I feel like I belong at 360Giving
  • I feel I can be myself and express my identity in my role at 360Giving
  • I feel 360Giving has an inclusive culture where diversity is valued
  • I feel respected and valued at 360Giving
  • I believe that 360Giving is a safe and supportive environment
  • I would feel comfortable sharing with the CEO or the Chair if I required an adjustment
  • I would recommend 360Giving as a great place to work/be a trustee
  • If I have a concern about harassment or discrimination, I know where to lay my complaints

There were high levels of agreement on the inclusion statements, but as always, room for improvement. Numbers are too low to be statistically significant, but average scores were slightly lower from Trustees across all factors from last year at an average of 3.9 out of 5 (2022-23: 4.3), and for staff remain at a high average of 4.7 out of 5.