Annual Report

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Annual report

Annual Report 2023-24

A graphic showing headlines of 360Giving's achievements in 2022-23

In 2023-24, 360Giving further stepped up our activities and achievements, building on strong foundations which will make it possible for us to achieve our ambitious strategy, ‘Unleashing the Impact of Grants Data’. We consolidated the changes implemented in 2022-23 when we transitioned to the new strategy, and built on these changes to realise its impact.

We were particularly effective in increasing impact across the sector by showing what is possible with the data now available – and by building partnerships which will amplify this impact even further.

At the end of the year, there were 275 funders sharing data on over one million grants worth £265 billion, with over 75,000 people accessing the data in the 360Giving tools alone.

We have seen an exponential increase in people accessing and using the data over the last year, with data and insights supporting more informed grantmaking and greater collaboration between funders. We’ve achieved a huge amount this year, and the progress we made will underpin the success of our strategy in the years ahead.

Here are the highlights from 2023-24 in reaching our strategic goals:

Goal 1: Increase relevant data available for informed decision-making

In 2023-24 we saw an 11% increase in the number of funders sharing grants data using the 360Giving Data Standard, and a 22% increase in the number of grants shared. 

 We made our publisher support more accessible and efficient, providing mechanisms to enable self-servicing and publishing independently. 68% of those sharing their data using the 360Giving Data Standard now publish independently, exceeding our target. We also broadened our support options, providing access through our phone line and offering free 1-1 support calls throughout the year. These changes were reflected in our annual survey where 72% of those responsible for publishing data reported that it was easy to do so.

Goal 2: Improve the quality and depth of data for increased usefulness

Our focus in 2023-24 was on making it easier for grantmakers to take advantage of the changes made to the 360Giving Data Standard in the previous year, consolidating and embedding these changes by rolling out new features to funders and supporting them to share data on grants to individuals, grants intended for onward distribution, and the location scope of grants. During the year, 9 funders started sharing data on grants to individuals, 11 funders used the new regranting field and 8 used the location scope field.

We also launched comprehensive guidance and templates for the DEI extension to the 360Giving Data Standard, which will support organisations using the DEI Data Standard to publish this data. 

Finally, we launched a new grantee amendments mechanism that enables grant recipients to query data about them that may be inaccurate, which will improve data quality while presenting good practice in giving grantees more power over data about their organisations.

Goal 3: Enhance data use for greater effectiveness

It was a big year for 360Giving’s tools, with the launch of new features and a significant increase in their usage. In 2023-24 we saw over 100,000 total visits to GrantNav representing a 46% increase in visits, alongside a 40% increase in searches, showing the progress in people searching and using the data. We also worked to further integrate our tools with publishers, rolling out the promotion of our 360Giving widgets that were on 14 funder websites by the end of the year, and completing work on the 360Giving API to allow easier access to the data from other systems.

Our workshop programme was further expanded this year. We held 23 workshops with a total of 413 attendees across a mixture of free online training and paid skills workshops with 94% reporting increased knowledge and confidence as a result. We have developed our paid training offer by providing two bespoke in-house sessions

Goal 4: Lead and influence practice for impact

Responding to feedback that called for a consolidated picture of grantmaking across all sectors, in June 2023 we published our Snapshot Report on UK grantmaking 2021-22. There were over 2,000 users of the analysis in 2023-24 providing valuable learning and generating conversations on its further development. A major focus following this has been buiding on this success through the UKGrantmaking project, developing partnerships with other organisations to deepen insight.

We continued to undertake bespoke research and reports and supported funders and policy makers to engage in the data to improve grantmaking and decision-making.

We have also continued to lead on good practice with our mechanism for grantee amendments and continued support for the roll-out of the DEI Data Standard, including regular delivery of our popular ‘Introduction to the DEI Data Standard’ workshops. We also delivered our ‘Intersectional Data Analysis’ workshops exploring good practice in collecting and using this data.


Annual Report 2022-23

Marking the start of our 2022-27 strategy, this year was a transformational one for 360Giving as we shifted focus from funders sharing the data to using it and creating a permanent change in data culture and practice. We made substantial changes to our ways of working, made significant enhancements to the 360Giving Data Standard, implemented an expansion of our training and workshops programme, and produced two analysis reports in partnership with other organisations. These achievements have helped widen the scope of the data, while equipping others to make greater use of it and demonstrating the analysis now possible with the mass of the data.

Annual Report 2021-22

As the last year of our 2019-22 strategy, we carried through a number of our long-term goals to completion, building on the success of previous years. We reached a critical mass of funders sharing their data, with data on 79% of UK grants by value being published. We also saw success further embedding the sharing and use of grants data in the sector, through our peer networks and partnerships, sharing learnings and offering direct support.

Annual Report 2020-21

In a highly unusual year, the pandemic highlighted the importance of data for decision-making and to support collaboration, and we therefore had more interest in our work than ever. We ended the year with over 50% more funders publishing their grants data (190 in total), including – for the first time – every central Government department. We also hit a major milestone, with over £100bn in grants available to explore in 360Giving’s tools. 

During this period we prioritised supporting funders responding to the pandemic.This meant that a number of planned projects were delayed and were successfully delivered in 2021-22. 

Annual Report 2019-20

2019-20 was a pivotal year for 360Giving and we made good progress on our strategic goals, including reaching a critical mass of 126 funders publishing their grants data, the launch of our Data Champions programme in November 2019, bringing 22 funders together to learn how to build a data culture and the development of the COVID-19 Grants Tracker – a dashboard to track and report on COVID-19 grants. 

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